Making a Mastermind Successful — Part 1

Daniel Meyer
4 min readNov 23, 2019


So I’ve had enough experience with masterminds to know what makes them work and what doesn’t. As we kick Mastermind PH to the next level, I want to make sure everyone who signs up is signing up for the right reasons.

Just for those who hadn’t heard of the term business mastermind before, a mastermind group is a peer-to-peer mentoring concept used to help members solve their problems with input and advice from the other group members.

The concept was coined in 1925 by author Napoleon Hill described in more detail in his 1937 book, Think and Grow Rich. Find the book, the audiotape or do a google search. If you truly want to Think and Grow Rich, it all starts here!

But what makes a mastermind work? Because a lot do not. Let’s start with what doesn’t:

> Treating the mastermind like a networking event. This is not the place to come pass out business cards. You will network and make a lot of key connections, but that is a secondary benefit of being part of a mastermind.

> Coming to the mastermind looking to sell. This is not the place to try and sign up new client. You might end up finding some as you get to know your peers better. Once you all see who does what and who can help who with something, opportunities will arise. But again, this is a secondary benefit of being part of the mastermind.

> Just coming when you have time or nothing better to do. You need to treat the mastermind with the reverence it requires, meaning you have to show up every month, on time and ready to be 100% there. Coming late, leaving early, missing meetings, stepping out to take call… these will all end with you politely being asked to unjoin the mastermind.

> Expecting the mastermind to be free. Free meetups are not going to accelerate your business. They will give you exactly what you get into them… something close to nothing. Your time is valuable, as if every one else’s time. Masterminds are investments in your business. Keep that in mind when you weigh the value of joining this group of peers who can help you get to the next level.

There are things you can do with your time. But if you own a business, are an aspiring entrepreneur, have plans to launch a start up, there are few things that are a better use of your time than an impacful mastermind.

We are calling all Filipino Small Business Owners, Entrepreneurs, Business Leaders, Movers and Shakers and Those of Influence in Metro Manila and across the Republic of the Philippines to come together to share knowledge, build partnerships and tackle problems to big to be addressed alone.

Now is the time to become a mastermind leader, consultant, speaker, trainer or business coach with Powerteam International.

We host a series of mastermind meetups on topics like social media mastery, profit optimization, big data analytics, artificial intelligence, and customer behavior influencers.

We also host a 2.5 day small business accelerator summit called Rainmaker.

Daniel Meyer heads Sonic Analytics, an analytics firm with offices in Manila, the San Francisco Bay Area and as of February 2019, Ocala, FL. With over 20 years in Big Data, Dan is one of the most sought-after public speakers in Asia and offers big data coaching and analytics training seminars on both sides of the Pacific. Dan has also recently joined the Powerteam International family as a small business analytics resource speaker.

Sonic Analytics( brings big data analytics solutions like business intelligence, business dashboards and data storytelling to small and medium sized organizations looking to enhance their data-driven decision-making capabilities. We also advocate the use of analytics for civic responsibility through training, consulting and education.

As citizens of this great democracy, we need to look at the data (analytics), plan a course of action (strategy) and share our data-driven viewpoints (presentation). This approach to a data savvy work force starts in school. So, we started an internship program to empower our youth to use Analytics, plan Strategy and Present their insights… ASP!

When not training current and future analysts, you can find Dan championing the use of analytics to empower data-driven citizenship by volunteering his expertise with schools and non-profits dedicated to evidence-based social progress like Saint Leo University’s Women in STEAM 2020 Conference.



Daniel Meyer

At that sweet spot in life where I do what I love, am really good at it and get paid to do it… helping businesses scale using big data & virtual staffing!